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Best For Mums has articles that will help all members of the family. From advice on mother's health, to tips for dads, relationships, and activities to do together, we've got it covered.

stay at home dad
Official Survival Guide for Stay-at-Home Dads
I kind of knew what I was in for when my wife and I decided to have children. We were certainly not young parents, but there were advantages to being “older” first-time parents. We were financially set, had established careers, and plenty of life experience under our belt. We also knew that we didn’t want someone else…
itchy breasts while breastfeeding
Itchy Breasts while Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world and as expectant mothers, we’re used to hearing how beneficial breastfeeding is to our baby. But we’re rarely told about the side effects of nursing. Itchy breasts and nipples can be one of the negative experiences mothers struggle with and it’s a lot more common that…